Part three of “The O.J. Simpson Saga,” the boys get into the aftermath of the infamous criminal trial as the focus shifts to the civil trial and a shocking robbery that further entangles O.J. Simpson in a web of controversy and legal battles.
With the criminal trial behind him, O.J. Simpson now faces a civil trial, where the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman pursue justice through a wrongful death lawsuit. The episode delves into the preparation of both legal teams as they gather evidence, build their cases, and construct arguments to sway the jury.
The episode takes a turn with the revelation of a shocking robbery involving O.J. Simpson. The audience is taken back to a fateful night in Las Vegas, where a group of men led by Simpson stormed into a hotel room to recover what he believed were personal items stolen from him. The episode investigates the events leading up to the robbery.
Also in this episode goes over the weird and eerie book written by OJ Simpson called “If I Did It”. Including the great lengths that OJ went to divert the funds and not fulfill the judgement against him.
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