The year was 1971. A man with a JC Penny clip on tie boarded flight 305 headed from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington. Cooper sat in the back of the plane in 18-E and ordered a bourbon and 7-up. Supposedly never taking his sunglasses off. Even in the dark.
Flight 305 left Portland on-schedule at 2:50 pm PST. Shortly after takeoff, Cooper handed a note to the flight attendant Florence Schaffner. Assuming she was being hit on by the guy, Schaffner dropped the note unopened into her purse. Cooper then leaned in and whispered, "Miss, you'd better look at that note. I have a bomb."
After demanding parachutes, $200k and more fuel Cooper ordered the plane route to Mexico. 30 minutes later the pilots noticed the staircase deployed and the hijacker was gone. Into the night and into the legend of DB Cooper.
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